Bittersweet Ending: Zoltan and the II Neo Zeong are destroyed, but Prime Minister Monaghan Bakharov doesn't face any comeuppance for authorizing the operation despite Mineva having a good idea of his guilt.It can even be read that her suicidal insistence to be part of the final battle (ending with her Heroic Sacrifice) falls under here too.

It is also driven by her genuine belief that Rita, despite no longer having a physical body, is still living on metaphysically (at least as most Newtype ghosts are)-and wishes that Jona encountering her will finally move him to forgive her.
The full film shows us some of the crew of the Garancieres, particularly Captain Suberoa Zinnerman, Flaste Schole, Takuya Irei (who has apparently joined the crew in place of the late Gilboa Sant,) and a significant cameo from Unicorn protagonist Banagher Links at the end of the movie. Several characters from Unicorn, such as Mineva, make their return.Luio & Co., the Hong Kong-based company that assisted the AEUG and Karaba in Zeta Gundam, returns as a major player in this story.Jona actually pilots a Stark Jegan for the majority of the original novel. The Narrative Gundam does not exist at all in the novel, and in fact was made for this film.The character of Michele does not exist, nor is Luio & Co.Phoenix Hunting takes place near the end of Unicorn, while Narrative is set an entire year after those events.Adaptation Expansion: The film is a very loose adaptation of Phoenix Hunting, the 11th volume of the original Gundam Unicorn novels.In the final battle, Banagher Links provides support in the Silver Bullet Suppressor, equipped with an unusual multiple-arm rack to use the Unicorn's beam magnum.Ace Custom: The Phoenix Hunt capture team pilot customized "Shezarr Type" Jestas with additional mobility and sensor equipment.Zoltan is pretty average, a far cry from the usual fantastic piloting skills of most Char Clones. Jona is a rather poor pilot and doesn't particularly improve over the course of Narrative. Ace Pilot: Averted with Jona and, uncharacteristically for a Char Clone, Zoltan.Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative provides examples of the following tropes: